Lowers Risk Group
Business Development Representative - Adjusteck
US | $102K - $150K
Company information
Lowers Risk Group provides comprehensive enterprise risk management solutions to organizations operating in high-risk, highly-regulated environments and organizations that value risk mitigation. Our human capital and specialized industry enterprise risk management solutions protect people, brands, and profits from avoidable loss and harm. Lowers Risk Group is your single source for trusted protection: • Widely-recognized human capital and enterprise risk management expertise • Serving nearly 1,000 leading organizations worldwide • Direct access to experienced consultants and industry leaders • Specializing in high-risk, highly-regulated industries • International presence in North America, Europe, and South and Central America With Lowers Risk Group you can expect a strategic, focused approach to risk assessment, compliance, and mitigation to help drive your organization forward with confidence. Partner with us. Call (540) 338-7151 or visit www.lowersriskgroup.com