Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc.
Business Analyst
Anchorage, AK | $69K - $85K
Company information
CITC stands for Cook Inlet Tribal Council. But more than that, CITC stands for people, partnership, and potential. Our mission is to work in partnership with Our People to develop opportunities that fulfill Our endless potential. We believe that when we work together, we can help each other develop our talents and strengths, and become successful and self-sufficient individuals, families, and communities. People. Partnership. Potential. When people come to CITC, they join a network of caring partners who can help you achieve your goals, pursue opportunities, and overcome challenges. Whether it’s getting an education, a training certificate, a job, or a better job, we can help. We believe that when we work together, we can help each other develop our strengths and talents, and become successful and self-sufficient individuals, families and communities. Since its inception in 1983, CITC has grown from a fledgling, grass-roots operation with only three employees, to one of the nation’s preeminent culturally responsive social-service organizations serving nearly 12,000 people annually, and employing more than 400 passionate and caring individuals. An array of support services includes education, employment and training services, workforce development, family preservation, and support for individuals recovering from addiction, substance abuse, or incarceration.