Account Executive
Alexandria, VA | $50K - $85K
Company information
Imagine how great it would feel to work with a contractor who gets it right the first time. The scope was followed. Expectations were met. The project was completed with minimal impact on your customer. However you decide when and where to paint, the process we outline for your project will allow you to experience hassle-free and cost-effective solutions. But we can't help you until we know more about your project. Call or email to be connected with one of our client support team members: Call : 833 - RENOVIA (833-736-6842) Email: P.S. We provide our services on the Eastern half of the United States and currently have offices located in: - Indianapolis, IN - Nashville, TN - Tampa, FL - Myrtle Beach, SC - Dallas, TX -Baltimore, MD So as long as your painting/coating/repair project is somewhere in the Eastern US, we can help.