

Director of Sales

Baltimore, MD | $138K - $325K

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Company information

connectRN is the leading nurse community, created to connect nurses with each other, provide career support and deliver flexible work opportunities. By leveraging technology the platform allows access to work opportunities and vital resources nurses need to build a thriving career. connectRN is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts and serves clinicians across the U.S. To learn more about connectRN, please visit

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201-500 employees
Technology, Hospitality, Healthcare, Hospitals, Home Health Care, Assisted Living Facilities, Mobile Apps, Staffing, Rehabilitation Centers, Long Term Care
Privately Held
Founded: 2014
Last round: Debt financing
Last round: US$ 65.0M
Waltham, Massachusetts
Company Specialties:
Healthcare, Staffing, Software, Recruiting, and Nursing